About Us


VC Consulting Services Ltd is a wholly indigenous consulting firm engaged in design, supervision and project management of various infrastructures and engineering facilities. With specialty in civil engineering infrastructures such as buildings, roads, bridges, jetties, water and waste water, reinforced concrete and steel structures e.t.c., a lot of experiences have been gained over the years in proper adaptation of design to practical construction purposes and situations.

The key personnel/consultants of the firm have experience spanning over twenty years each and have been involved in major design and supervision works with both the Federal, State governments and blue-chip companies like Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nig. Ltd (S.P.D.C), Atlas Cement Company Limited, Ibeto Cement Company Ltd., Schlumberger Nig. Ltd, Port Harcourt Refining Co. Ltd., Niger Delta development commission (NDDC) e.t.c.

Why Choose Us?

Our Core Value

Our Specialization

Conceptualization 100%
Engineering design 100%
Project Management 100%
Project Cost 100%
Professional Training 100%

Our Experienced Key Consultants

Our clients include blue chip companies like:

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